The Belief Change Cycle: A 6-Step Process to installing new beliefs.

This is an article for anyone who is interested in belief change. In particular people that feel they have limiting beliefs that are keeping them from getting what they want out of life. It’s also for people that want to act in a certain way, but find themselves getting too much “internal resistance.”

In early 2012, myself and the other users of the #reddit-seddit irc (which you can access here) were turned onto a book called Sleight of Mouth: The Magic of Conversational Belief Change by Robert B. Dilts. It’s something of a “cult-classic” in the seduction community, shortly after we all read it Neil Strauss recommended it in his “Ask me Anything” on Reddit Seddit. It’s a wonderful book, that virtually all the “big names” in the community have read, and I absolutely recommend it to anyone interested in hardcore self-development. One of the most useful parts of the book is the Belief Change Cycle.

What is a belief?

We’re all aware of beliefs, however we tend to limit the discussion of beliefs to religion and politics. “He believes in god,” or “He doesn’t believe in taxing the rich.” However, we have beliefs about virtually every subject, and our beliefs make up a bulk of our action. A guy who believes ballet is for sissies, and believes he himself isn’t a sissy, isn’t going to go take ballet lessons, whereas a guy who believes he is a good dancer and believes dance is worth study is more likely to do so. An Indian guy who believes white women don’t like Indian guys isn’t likely to start approaching white women. That’s why we call them “limiting” beliefs, because they limit our thoughts and actions to a certain range.

We don’t measure beliefs in right or wrong, rather by usefulness. The thing we all learned about beliefs is that we can find rationalizations and “proofs” for every belief. There’s people that believe the earth is flat and have books and books of arguments for it. People that believe Caucasian women are turned off by Indian men have hundreds of anecdotal horror stories, OK Cupid stats, and the like, and they hold to their guns no matter what evidence to the contrary they see.

The good news is, we can adopt useful beliefs as easily as we can limiting beliefs. That’s why it’s helpful to learn the belief change cycle.

The Belief Change Cycle Explained:

The belief change cycle as described by Dilts goes like this:

1) Wanting to Believe – We want to believe something, but are aware it’s not part of our belief system.
2) Becoming Open to Believe – This is when you start asking “What if this were true?” “What would life be like if I believed this?”
3) Incorporation – This is when we begin to add the new belief to our existing belief system. Sometimes this can happen quite rapidly, however if the new belief is very “radical” compared to our established belief system, we may have to adjust or even “retire” old beliefs in order to accommodate the new belief, which happens in step 4.
4) Being Open to Doubt – I bold this one because to me it’s the most crucial part of any and all belief change. Sometimes the simple act of doubting an existing belief can lead to rapid belief change. This is when we start examining our existing beliefs and think “Maybe it’s not true,” “Maybe there are exceptions,” “Well, that’s not always true.”
5) Refiling of the old belief – Dilts describes a “Museum of Personal History” where we store old beliefs, like the belief in Santa Claus. A more advanced tactic to belief change involves envisioning current limiting beliefs the same way we look back on being in Santa Claus.
6) Trust in the new belief. – You start gathering “proof” of the new belief

The only difference I’d make to Dilts belief change cycle is I’d put Being Open to Doubt at the front of the process. We’ve all seen the doubt cycle in practice, especially if you’ve ever met anyone that converted to a new religion, or went from being religious to non-religious. Virtually every conversion story you read begins with people beginning to doubt their existing belief system. A lot of overnight conversions happen in that way. Similarly, a lot of overnight personality changes begin in the same way, we just ask “What if our current way isn’t always true?”

A lot of people have similar “conversions” when they first learn about pickup. We learn that we can approach new women, and attract them to us by expressing our sexuality and masculinity. We begin to doubt our old models of the world, which were likely built on mainstream date night bullshit, and begin a process where we incorporate our new beliefs in with our existing belief system.

Being Open to Doubt is easy, we just have to pick something we believe and ponder what life would be like if it weren’t true. Being Open to Belief works in the same way, we just ask “What if it could be true?” Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try.

The hardest step is incorporation. If you’ve spent twenty or thirty years thinking you’re a nerd that repulses women, it’d be a challenge to just up and say “That’s not true, I’m a confident alpha male.” There’s simply too many contradictions in the belief system. I call that incorporation dilemma, when your desired belief contradicts too much with your existing map of the world.

There are some ways we can get around the incorporation dilemma.

Let’s use an example of an Asian guy that thinks white women don’t like Asian guys. That’s a whopper of a limiting belief, but it’s a common one I see from new guys in our community. If he’s been told by society, his family, and his own rationalizations that white girls are off limits or unattainable for the last couple decades, and the belief has gone unquestioned, he can’t very well drop it overnight.

What he can do is build the new belief by starting with smaller beliefs. Maybe at first he can acknowledge that there are some white girls that like Asian guys. Or maybe he can acknowledge that there’s a category of Asian guy that Caucasian girls are attracted to. After all, in the entire history of modern society there’s had to have been at least one Caucasian girl that’s been attracted to an Asian guy, right? Similarly, he can jump start the belief change process by doubting individual pieces of the overall belief.

It’s amazing how fast one can “leap frog” beliefs when they start small. Take a guy who’s brand new to the community, and he believes it’s rude to approach girls on the street. Then it occurs to him there are situations where it wouldn’t be rude to approach a girl on the street; If she dropped some money on the street, it wouldn’t be rude to approach her. Then it may occur to him that there’s other situations where it wouldn’t be rude to approach a girl on the street, and eventually he can build up the belief that “I can approach whatever girl I want.”

After the belief has been established, it can only get stronger. In the same way we found “proof” of our old beliefs, we find proof of the new beliefs, and when the new beliefs stop serving us we can swap them out with newer beliefs.

Getting Started:

Here are some steps to get started identifying and changing your own beliefs.

1) Identify your limiting beliefs. There’s two ways to do this, the internal way and the external way. The external method is to just look at your actions and results on a day to day basis, sometimes you can get a good read on what you believe just by how you act. The internal method is essentially paying attention to your thoughts and see what thoughts you tend to gravitate towards. That’s one reason why keeping a journal and meditating are such potent tools, they help you become aware of repeated thought patterns.

2) Once you’ve identified those beliefs, start doubting those fuckers. Poke holes in them. Find situations in your life and the lives of others where those beliefs aren’t true.

3) Start focusing on the new belief. Build it up. Find situations where the new belief is true. Make them for yourself, if they aren’t readily apparent. Get on the wavelength and stay on it. Act as if it’s true, imagine what it’d be like if your new belief were true, do whatever it takes. Hell, if you’re really hard off you can even play “make believe.” Eventually your new belief will incorporate into your belief system, then all will be well.

In closing:

The Belief Change Cycle is a simple tool that we can all utilize. It works in seduction as well as every form of self development. We can use it to improve our life, as well as the lives of others. There’s really no telling how fast you’ll find yourself incorporating your new beliefs. It may take a while, it may happen overnight. It only depends on how radical the new belief is, and how you start to incorporate it. Remember, if the belief is radically different than your current belief system, you may have to prime your belief system for it first.

One last point I’d like to leave you guys with is to pick and choose the beliefs you want to incorporate carefully. When I was first starting I wanted to incorporate beliefs about the act of approaching women, and my results were just okay. When I started changing my belief system to be about what I wanted to get from approaching women, fun, love, sex and companionship, that’s when I not only started approaching more women but having better success.

This belief change process helped me in all aspects of my life, and I hope it helps you too. It’s also a process that never ends. Your life is always expanding, and just like the seasons change, the beliefs you need to get yourself to the next level will change as well.

– Duke Alan, the Free Love PUA.

Empathy Towards Women: An inner-game issue that could be holding you back.

This is an article for people that are having issues connecting with girls, or are doing “everything right” but not feeling any lasting satisfaction from the game, as well as guys that find meeting new women “boring,” and guys that are approaching sets but finding themselves unable to get any “deeper” than casual conversation.

A lot of you probably know me because I’m an operator in the Reddit Seddit IRC channel, and before that I ran the now defunct pickup irc community. There’s always a steady stream of people coming in with questions and situations for us to work through. It’s a lot of fun, and it’s a great way to solidify your own understanding of seduction mechanics and share your own experiences.

After meeting and getting to know hundreds of guys, I found a lot of them had similar issues. The easiest ones to identify are the outer game issues,  like a lack of sexual-tone or poor logistics. The other category of issues I’ve ran into in my friends and students are what I call “game-centric inner game issues,” these are the things like mindset issues [she won’t like me if I tell her I play video games! I gotta get really good at approaching before she’ll let me fuck her.] and issues that get smoothed over with experience [being nervous in groups, for example.]

However, there is a huge inner-game issue that more than a few men in the community suffer from. One that could even stem from childhood. It’s an issue that prevents guys from having the lifestyle they desire. It’s an issue that keeps guys from enjoying the process of meeting and connecting with new women. Even worse, it’s an issue that makes it difficult for guys to actually enjoy the success they do get!

I am speaking about a lack of empathy towards women.

That is to say, consciously or unconsciously they don’t view women as human beings, or are using women as a means to an end, like to appeal to society or satisfy their own ego.  More than a few guys that visit our community even hate women, even though they would never say it, their behavior just reeks of a strong dislike of women.

They don’t enjoy the company of women, and approaching women to them isn’t a chance to meet someone cool. To them, the act of approaching is a way to prove something to themselves. To stop being a coward, or to prove some abstract authority figure wrong, or they just don’t like not being in control. They view seduction as a strict numbers game, and don’t get any emotional satisfaction from their success or their failures; sometimes they’ll approach hundreds, thousands of sets without getting laid or even getting a kiss. Even worse, sometimes they get laid and don’t even feel any lasting pleasure from it.  They also don’t like being too vulnerable around women, they want to keep any emotional investment to a minimum, even after physical intimacy.

Sometimes you can identify this behavior simply by looking at how someone talks about seduction. Someone who says “I met this cool girl the other day, we found out we had a lot in common and we had a lot of fun hanging out together,” likely has a good mindset towards women and authentically enjoys their company.  A guy who is lacking in empathy will very rarely talk about women in such a way, usually the qualities they are looking for in a women are “submissiveness” (aka, she doesn’t put up much of a fight and lets me fuck her), and they won’t even think about women beyond “HB9 Brazilian, k-close.”

You can identify this problem in yourself rather easily, just think about the last 5 or 10 women you’ve talked to.  What did you think about them?  If your thoughts about them are related to their personality or the connection you had with them, you’re probably emphasizing with women in a healthy way.   A guy that emphasizes with women can say “It was fun getting to know Veronica, I liked the way she carried herself, I felt we had good chemistry but it turns out her boyfriend is one of my friends.”  A guy that views women as a chess game will primarily say “I met this HB9 and got the boyfriend rejection, she didn’t respond to my escalation so I nexted her.”

What causes a lack of empathy towards women?

Lack of empathy is a two-sided issue.  There’s a conscious, surface level to the problem, and then there’s an unconscious level to the problem that runs deeper.

The conscious lack of empathy towards women is, ironically, usually created by the PUA community as an ego defense mechanism. To deal with the natural highs and lows of the PUA lifestyle, most PUA advocate adopting a numbers-game mentality.  Let’s face it, this is a lifestyle that requires vulnerability, you have to put yourself out there, and sometimes when you put yourself out there and it doesn’t work out, you get hurt. Especially when you meet a girl that you really like and it doesn’t work out. It’s easy to adopt a stoic world view, “I don’t chase I replace, it’s a numbers game,”  but in doing so you’re attempting to cut yourself off from natural, healthy human emotions, and denying yourself opportunites to grow as a person. The guys in your life that are fearless and confident are not the guys who say “I don’t chase, I replace” and go out and crash and burn 2,000 times in a row. They’re the guys that are willing to risk being genuinely hurt.  “AFCs” suffer from a similar problem, although for different reasons. Usually they want to look cool, or act like James Bond, what they don’t realize is taking the risk of being hurt is what leads to true personal development.

The unconscious lack of empathy towards women tends to stem from experiences in childhood or adolecense, during sensitive ‘imprinting” times as Dr. Timmothy Leary would say. In our community we see guys that have been really wronged by women in their youth. Some guys were physically, emotionally, or mentally abused by women.  Or they have picked up some negative imprinting from their adult role models. Some guys are taught from youth women have power over men. Or women will ruin your life unless you control them. Some guys are taught women are foolish, and will run around with whoever treats them the worst. These experiences weigh heavy on the individual.   These issues can be fixed, however they take time, and it’ll take a lot of maturity to fix them. Maturity as in, you’ll have to learn to be patient with yourself, and rexamine the things that have happened to you in the past with an objective eye.  There’s a saying in the self-help community that “Every remember is a reframe.” You can’t change the events in your past, but you can change what they mean to you.  This is one reason why meditation, positive thinking, and reading books like “Prometheus Rising” and “I’m OK, you’re OK” have had such a profound impact on the members of our community.

How to start emphasizing with women?

This is a skill that can be developed, but not quite taught. However, making it a conscious goal to emphasize more with women as human beings is a good start.  Once you know there’s an area you want to improve on, the natural tendency is for your mind to create plans of action. Over time, you can even change your early imprints by experiencing new situations with an open mind.

My first piece of advice would be to realize that women are in the same boat as you are. Chances are you’re trying to balance personal ideals, the expectations of society, and the pursuit of personal happiness and enlightenment.  So is she.  Just like you, she is pounded with b/s messages about her sexuality and place in society. She’s hammered with advertisments telling her how to act, just like you are.  Just like you, she has goals, things she enjoys, fantasies and dreams. She probably has some really confusing impritning from her childhood as well.

Contrary to what mainstream seduction advice says, she is not a porcelin statue without insecurities, and she isn’t in constant opposition to what you want and she isn’t there to hit you with shit test after shit test to make sure you’re on your game. You don’t have to “beat” her in some imaginary chess game in order to get the pussy.

My next advice would be to just be around more women. I don’t mean do more “sets.” I mean find a girl that’s normal, maybe one you’re not physically attracted to, and just see if you can hang out with her as you would one of your guy friends.  Spend a day, watch movies, play video games. Don’t try to game her in any way.  If you’re already doing this, then good job. However, for guys that don’t have any female friends or are putting pussy on a pedestal or are thinking women are operating on some different wavelength then they are, this can be a very enlightening experience. One of the best ways to build empathy with your fellow man is to spend time interacting with people you stand to “gain” nothing from.

Find a girl, or even multiple girls, and try and see what makes them “tick.” Obviously it’s impossible to understand a person’s entire outlook on life, but see if you can figure out what things are important to them.  What their ideals are. What they want out of life. Or hell, even just how they kill time. Try to see what their “reality-tunnel” is like, if I may borrow a term from Robert Anton Wilson.

In closing:

I’ve met a lot of guys in our community, and lack of empathy towards women is probably the most common inner game issue. In fact, as sad as it makes me to admit it, I feel some people in our community hate women.  The good news is, this behavior can be changed.  A large percentage of guys can fix this problem just by meeting and interacting with more women. However there are guys that are closing themselves off from empathising with women, likely to avoid being hurt. The solution then is to gradually put yourself out there more. Yes, it will make you feel worse when your plans with a girl you’re feeling a strong connection with don’t pan out, but the reward is much greater.  Making love with a woman you’re feeling a strong emotional connection with is satisfying beyond words, it’s something that is truly a high point in your life, and it’s something I hope you all experience at least once in your life.

– Duke Alan, the Free Love PUA.

Rapport: Simple steps to building connections with ANYONE.

The following is an article from my free seduction manual, “Tier One: A Quick and Easy Guide to Getting Laid.”


Rapport is defined as a harmonious or sympathetic relationship between two or more people. It’s a feeling of being on the same page as someone, where the communication is smooth and there’s a feeling of friendship, even if you aren’t “friends.” We all know what it feels like to be in rapport with someone, however most of us have not intellectualized it or put it into words. Because when you are in rapport with someone, you may not even notice being in rapport; it just feels natural, like breathing.

However, we all know what it feels like to be out of rapport with someone. For me, if I’m not in rapport with someone it just feels overall uncomfortable. The words I’m saying don’t seem to hit, which causes everything to feel forced. We also know what it feels like to meet someone we haven’t seen in a long time, and it took some “getting used to” to get back in rapport with each other.

Rapport is something that tends to happen naturally. If there was a hypothetical situation where you were thrust into a room with a total stranger and had to have a conversation for an hour, it’s very likely you will enter some type of rapport.

Regardless, it doesn’t hurt to know some tips and tricks to help this natural process along. If you’ve been involved in self-development or self-help (depending if you’re a half-full or half-empty kind of person) you’ve probably seen these tricks before, they aren’t anything new, but I am printing them here because they’ve consistently worked for me.

All these techniques are built off observing what people who are in rapport tend to do. It’s likely you already do these without thinking about them.

The simplest rapport methods are built on having things in common, both in terms of tastes, thoughts and ideas, but also factors like age, social status, occupation, and even little things like vocabulary. If you’re a white male in your twenties that plays online games, and you meet another white male in their twenties that plays online games, there’s a good chance you would find it easy to get in rapport with them.

The easiest way to get rapport with someone is to say “Me too.” Sometimes you’ll see two people meet, and they find out they went to the same high school or grew up in the same town, and suddenly, as if a light switch is flipped on, they’re on the same page and their communication is smooth and easy. Even abstract similarities can work towards rapport. A couple weeks before writing this book, I struck up a conversation with a girl that had an anime shirt on. I hadn’t seen that particular anime myself, and so I opened with “Hey, I just happened to notice your shirt, my friends are obsessed with that series.” After that, we got into rapport very easily, and she is someone I keep in contact with to this very day.

Shared experiences are one of the easiest ways to form bonds with people. People that take classes together, or frequent the same places, will tend to have a rapport, even if they don’t know each other’s names or haven’t spoken before. This is one reason why playing video games, or sports, or any activity is a good way to bring people together. I’ve seen lasting friendships forged over games of monopoly and clue (cluedo, for our European readers).

This is easy to implement. If you meet a girl and she’s wearing a sweater with the name of the University you went to on it, isn’t your first thought to say that you went there?

The “me too” principle works on subtler levels of communication as well. A common rapport trick is called “mirroring,” where you copy someone’s body language, vocal tonality, or word use. This is fairly simple and easy to implement. The other week I met a girl that smiled and scratched her cheek when she laughed. So the next time I laughed, I scratched my cheek as well. If she’s sitting, sitting next to her may help you get in rapport.

As I mentioned earlier, you can have rapport through vocabulary as well. The trick is to use the exact same words as they do. I find this works best with “emotional” or emphasized words, let’s say you ask her about a book she’s reading and she says “This book is fucking awesome.” The words you want to mirror would be “fucking awesome.” A simple way to use their words back to them is just to repeat it. If she says the book is fucking awesome, you can say “It’s fucking awesome?” right back, like you want her to elaborate.

This “me too” style of rapport works in every level of the interaction. It can be a powerful opening device, as well as a powerful closing device. Just for example, let’s say she mentions she likes some Japanese food restaurant which just happens to be in a close proximity to your house, all you would need to do at that point is say something along the lines of “I love it there, have you had the shrimp yet? What’s your schedule like this week, we can go try out the shrimp.” Simple and effective.

Outside of the “me too” principle there is an interesting breathing technique you can use for rapport that I’ve learned from listening to an interview with CIA interrogator Joe Navarro. The trick is simply to breathe deep. Research shows that if the person you’re talking too is breathing deep, relaxed breaths, your own body will become more relaxed. A wonderful extension of this technique is to wait for whoever is talking to finish, and then to take a deep breath before responding. This not only helps them calm down and relax, but it also shows that you’re listening to them. There are cultural variations to this last trick, adjust accordingly .

There is also a “we” principle, where simply saying the word “we” instead of “you” or “me” implies a rapport and connection. Maybe instead of saying “You went to the same school I did,” you could say “We went to the same school.”

Keep in mind that rapport is not difficult to obtain. You could do none of these techniques intentionally and still obtain rapport with people. However, when you’re meeting someone new that you have yet to get rapport with, it helps to be good at least one of these techniques to make obtaining rapport easier. Do not waste mental energy wondering if you’re doing the rapport tricks correctly or if they’re working. A common rapport pitfall is doing too much matching to the point where people know you’re trying to win them over.

Also keep in mind that, even though you are mirroring her, you are the man in the conversation and you are by nature going to be leading the interaction, and as this is a book about seduction you are leading the conversation to the bedroom. Once there’s a rapport, a sexual tone which we’ll be talking about later, and you decide you’re ready to fuck, it’s time to move her back to your place. Rapport is a required component for the end game, but it is not the end game.

Conversation Threading: The Secret of Never-Ending Personal Communication.

This was an article I had written on Reddit a year or so ago, it had gotten rave reviews and loads of positive feedback, and discusses a skill that I feel is crucial for anyone interested in seduction, or anyone that just wants to have more interesting, personal conversations. As such, I’ve reprinted it here, and in the Tier One book, for your enjoyment!

Conversation Threading is essentially the ability to make a free-flowing conversation. If someone gives you a thread like “I went to Paris last summer for University,” you have many, many directions you could thread the conversation. You could ask if they liked Paris, which school they went to, what they study, or you could shift the focus of the conversation, you could respond with “Really? I went to Paris last year,” or “I like to travel, as well” [Which is a great way to build rapport through shared experiences!]

Even if she’s giving you tiny bits of information, you can still thread the conversation. “I’m going to class,” obviously you can ask her about, you could shift the focus again [Me too, I’m taking (subject), isn’t it fascinating how…], or you could drop a cold read. Be creative, and mix the expected with the unexpected.

Now, let’s go deeper.

You can combine the technique I just gave you with other techniques. In particular, you can go from cold communication [logical factoids, I’m a lawyer, gas is too expensive] to warm communication [Feelings, emotions. Things “from us” rather than about us]

What if she tells you she is an emergency room nurse? Well, you could continue logically probing about it, or you could discuss emotions. What emotions are involved in nursing? “You must fee lamazing knowing that what you’re doing is helping people,” is an example that comes to mind, I’m trusting you to come up with your own.

It is my personal opinion to avoid “negative” emotions, obviously you aren’t going to talk about patients dying in her arms, but I also try to avoid stress, panic, and the like. Sometimes I see people, who mean well, ask people “Wow that must be so busy,” or “You must feel really stressed,” and the person they’re talking to sigh, slouch and begin to talk about all the hardships of their work. These are not emotions I want associated with our initial conversations.

Wide Rapport

So now you’re having an interesting conversation that’s enticing the emotions. Here’s some advice: Talk about a wide range of topics. At first glance, one might think it’s better to talk about one subject, and be in total agreement for an hour, than to talk about a wide range of topics, but actually a “wide rapport” will help you. Thread into multiple directions, talk about multiple topics, and you both will feel like you’ve connected on multiple levels.

How to Master Conversation Threading

Here’s some homework, it involves making “mind maps” (also called spider diagrams, trees, or
whatever the fuck you want). Pick something girls say that you hear often, if you meet a lot of girls that are Psychologists, write “Psychologist” in the center of a paper, and circle it.

Then branch it out. Draw a line to smaller circle, label it emotions. What emotions do Psychologists have in their work? “Isn’t it amazing how sometimes, you feel such an amazing connection with the people you see?”

What emotional qualities must a psychologist have?

From the center circle labled Psychologist, branch out into other directions. Make a bubble that says “Values,” what character traits must Pscyhologists have? What values do they have? [You must consider yourself a very caring person, correct?]
Of course, you can draw branches for the other aspects of their job. You can write a bubble that says “College Education” and branch off from there. You can draw a bubble that says “Job description” and branch off from there.

This will help you connect with women, instead of a tepid “I’m a psychologist,” “Oh do you like your work?” you could make it more interesting, and branch it out into many different directions.

Don’t forget, there is no wrong response. If you say something like “You’re a psychologist? They say to be a psychologist you must deeply care for people.” and she says “Oh, yeah but I don’t really interact with the patients I just do the record keeping,” work with whatever response she gives you. Everything she says is something you can thread with!”

This article, and many others, are included in my absolutely free, no bullshit book, “Tier One: A Quick and Easy Guide to Getting Laid.” which you can download at

An Introduction to TIER ONE.

This is the official blog for “Tier One,” a completely free seduction manual that’s been taking the seduction community by storm.

My name is Duke Alan, and I wrote this guide after being a member of the online “pick-up” community for several years. In that time I’ve learned just about every dating technique possible, and I’ve read everything from mainstream dating books, to underground “lay guides” that have been circulating through Internet newsgroups. What’s even crazier  is I’ve not only read about these techniques, but I’ve gone out and applied them in person, with over a hundred different women.

A lot of techniques sound good on paper, but don’t work in real life. Other techniques work, but only work as long as certain variables are in place. These key, must-have understandings and tactics are what I call “Tier One,” the essentials that forge open, honest, and natural sexual relationships with women.

I am not here to tell you that I’m pulling a model a night, or have Victoria’s Secret models begging for my cock, but I can tell you that I’ve used these techniques to build a large group of friends, bed some gorgeous women that were my “dream girls,”  and put an end to the “dry spell” I had up to that point. What’s more important, however, is that these techniques have helped my friends and fellow community members, and so I am pleased to offer them here, completely free!

Other gurus and writers have an endless stream of products that promise to get you to the top. Some of their products are very good, however I can say with confidence that my book will get you where you want to be, and it won’t cost a dime. In fact, I believe my free <100 page book will get you laid more than any of the products that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce TIER ONE.

Tier One: Download here.